Although there were streaming rumours about an upcoming iPad Mini, Apple has recently announced a new and smaller iPad Pro. Those who are thinking the regular sized table was taking up too much space physically, the new device comes in 9.7-inch size which might just be the perfect size for more convenience and ease instead of the clumsy and original 12.9-inch iPad Pro. There are some upgrades in the Oxide TFT display that was also used in the original iPad Pro which are not featured in the predecessor. The Night Shift mode in iOS 9.3 helps the retina display to overshadow the colors at night. This in turn is noted to improve sleep by having less light penetrating the human eye. For those who love to browse and read in bed can be comforted by this advancement.
Apple has taken more time and consideration into making the color display experience as natural as possible for users through the new True Tone display where colour has a new consciousness. It allows the device to accustom the color temperature so that it mirrors the surroundings lighting. The ambient light sensors detect the atmosphere characteristics and changes the display to what it is. This makes using the new iPad Pro much more relaxing and calming. Internally lies the 64-bit A9X processor which appeared in the bigger version. The “Hey Siri” always on option is successfully supported thanks to the processor being constructed on Apple’s 3D FinEFT processor and comes bundled with the entrenched M9 coprocessor.
The camera of the new device on the rear is a 12MP iSight camera featuring True Tone flash and the familiar Focus Pixel Technology found in the iPhone 6. The increase in power disposal enables the device to shoot 4K videos and a remarkable new storage option is designed specificially to take off that load of heavy and enormous video files. The front camera sports a 5MP Face Time HD camera coupled with retina display.
As for the acessories, the new iPad Pro will be equipped with the same accessories that came with the older version. A Smart Keyboard cover will be available although the differences in sizes may not be fitting for usage. The Apple Pencil will undoubtly be a part of the new iPad Pro and a bunch of new Lightning adapter acessories are not left out either.
The 9.7 inch iPad Pro comes in four colors – silver, gold, space grey and rose gold. The prices of the tablet are $599 for the 32GB model, 128GB for $749 and 256GB storage space for a hefty $899. Shipping takes places after 31 March.
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